Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your photo shoots performed?

All photo shoots are performed on location (at home or at a negotiated outdoor public space). At this point in time, studio photo shoots are not offered.


How long does it take to receive my photographs?

Many hours of work go into reviewing and enhancing photographs following a photo shoot. This process requires an acute eye for detail and I work meticulously to ensure you receive photographs that you will forever cherish and enjoy. Wedding photographs are usually ready between four and six weeks. 


Do you keep a back up copy of the photographs you take?

Yes, however I recommend clients back up and make a copy of their photos once they are received. Replacement USBs can be provided upon request.


Do you edit your photographs?

I use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom for my photo editing, however I try to limit the editing of my photographs as much as possible.


What sort of camera do you use?

I use Canon EOS Digital SLR Cameras.


How large are the image files you provide?

The cameras I use produce high resolution images which usually range from 5MB - 10MB each. The images are suitable for large scale printing (including billboards).


How many years' experience do you have taking photographs?

I have more than 10 years' experience taking photographs (six of which have been for paid/ professional work).